Isbra (AgroFlorestal) Group Celebrates A Decade. For Isbra Group of companies, the year 2024 marks much more than just a number, the decade celebrations of the foundation of our company. It represents the recognition of ten (10) years of human endeavours in the field of forestry – and a commitment that was ground-breaking in our industry – the desire to manage the forest sustainably, driven by our wish to see this approach placed at the heart of everything we did. A Decade Of Dedication To The Service Of Forestry.
It all began with the foundation of a limited partnership called "Isbra Florestal LTDA" which was and is still involved in the logging and supporting forestry production activities which is term under the Brazilian Company activity code 02.30-6-00. Forest production support activities include inventories, technical management consultancy, pest control and aerial inspection, as well as seeding of species, replanting, log transportation, unloading of timber and assessment of timber mass. In occasional cases, forest fire prevention and control activities are also included. Finally, dendrometry (measurement of tree size and productivity), reforestation of deforested areas and services related to forestry (study of forest regeneration and settlement methods) round off the list of activities included in this category.
We largely decided to concentrate on the plantation of Eucalyptus and Pine Wood. Today we can plant, process, and export eucalyptus and pine in logs, sawn wood, core veneer, and wood chips. Our wood chips are ideal for manufacturing particleboard, MDF, and paper pulp. We supply hardwood and softwood chips, logs, and mill residuals with bark or debarked, according to our customers' requirements. All our wood chips are derived from the sustainable harvesting of the forest. We can deliver our premium wood chips reliably. For international customers, we can provide fumigation services and phytosanitary certificates to facilitate import. For further information, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
The first crucial step is taken, opening the African chapter of Isbra Group's story with the acquisition of the Compagnie Forestière Achito in central Africa, which harvests tropical trees. Our second subsidiary outside South Africa is founded and is named ‘Global Timber Supplies’. Our business demonstrates yet again its innovative bent by building Congo's first particle board factory at the industrial estate. A second such factory opened up five years later and a third in 2016, all on the same site.
Isbra Group partners Supplies is merging with private companies that deal with forest products. Private companies offering services such as kiln drying and specialty wood products.
Plywood And Veneer Sheets continue to go from strength to strength! Construction and opening of a modern exotic wood plywood panel factory and Rotary Veneer Sheets Production Plant in East Africa in the Tanzania. Isbra Group Partners also began logging operations in Russia, Brazil, and Canada, before building a veneer manufacturing plant in Argentina in 2019. This means we can boost of supplying and exportation of wood from around the globe.
Driving closer to our mission of being a global supplier, Isbra Group Supply Upon its merger with Isbra Florestal has become Brazil's's leading manufacturer of particle boards, especially in relation to improving fire and water resistance wood products. Global Wood also moves into the top spot in the South American countries in terms of the production of exotic wood plywood panels, Exotic wood, Veneer sheets, AD and KD Sawn Timber etc. Celebrating a decade of existence, Global Wood is about to start its next chapter. 2025 will speak for itself...